Congratulations to Ashley Perryman, our 2023 Homecoming Royal!

ashley perryman homecoming royal

2023 Homecoming Royalty Court

Meet your 2023 Homecoming Royalty Court! 这些人是代表大山谷社区的学习者,他们模仿了成为湖人队的意义.

Name: Abbey Baetz

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Class Standing: Third-Year

Major: 基础教育研究与基础教学的教学内容知识

Minor: Social Studies

Involvements: 阿尔法·欧米克朗·派的节目和充实副总裁兼仪式教育主任, Panhellenic Association Executive Vice President, Order of Omega Greek Leadership Honor Society President, Formal Panhellenic Recruitment Rho Gamma Counselor, Winter 2024 Study Abroad Student, GRPS Student Volunteer, Winter 2023 AFLV Conference, Previous Director of Panhellenic Relations and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Alpha Omicron Pi

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 我很荣幸能在本学年成为博天堂官方大学返校节皇室法庭的一员, and something I do not take lightly. 对我来说,参加返校节皇室法庭意味着通过我在社区和校园的参与,代表博天堂官方大学作为大使和领导者. 这一承认表明我已经在大峡谷州立大学留下了印记, and positive impression on people. As a member on this year's Homecoming Royalty Court, 它使我能够继续体现和代表湖人效应,塑造未来,成为积极变革的力量.

Name: Sophia Bates

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Class Standing: Fourth-Year 

Majors: Legal Studies

Certificate(s): Certificate in Paralegal Studies

Involvements: Student employee in the Student Employment Office, senator on GVSU's Student Senate, member of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, member of the Frederik Meijer Honors College, member of the Order of Omega Honor Society

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 我非常荣幸能成为返校节皇室法庭的一员. My Laker Pride is unrivaled, 我每天都在努力通过我对校园的积极参与,把GVSU变成一个更好的地方. For example, 我和副校长珍妮·霍尔-琼斯(Jenny Hall-Jones)是学生会学生工资工作组的一员,代表学生雇员和学生就业办公室帮助制定了一项提高学生工资的提案. In so many ways, GVSU blows other universities out of the water, 但我从未停止努力改善这个校园,因为我知道GVSU有多大的能力. I am a Laker for a Lifetime, 我迫不及待地想要达到更高的目标,让GVSU成为未来湖人最好的球队... Anchor Up!!

Name: Mary Jo Buechler

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Class Standing: Fourth-Year

Major: Supply Chain Management

Certificate(s): Project Management

Involvements: Professional Sales Association (Director of Marketing), Seidman Supply Chain Management Association (Director of Marketing), Seidman Mentorship Program, Laker Accelerated Talent Link Program, Resident Assistant (Holton Hooker), Crossfit Allendale, GVSU Women in Business

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 被提名并代表湖人社区是一种荣誉. 成为返校节荣誉奖的候选人,意味着我能够展示我惊人的湖人精神,以及我在过去四年中如何成长为一名领袖. I cannot wait to see everyone's GVSU spirit and as always, Anchor Up!

Name: Devin Elenbaas

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Class Standing: Fifth-Year +

Majors: Cybersecurity

Involvements: 校园事工团契组长,校园事工生活小组组长,GVSU HAT俱乐部成员

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 成为GVSU返校节皇室法庭的一员意味着我有望实现我上大学时最大的目标之一:与他人建立更深层次的联系,而不仅仅是在走廊里挥手. 我相信人际关系可以建立社区,而社区是推动世界前进的动力. Whether that be working together for projects, learning from professors, or meeting someone on the Laker Line, there’s a relationship to be made in every corner of this campus, 我认为这就是GVSU皇家法庭最能代表的:有这个目标的学生. 我很荣幸能得到GVSU社区的认可,作为一个为此而奋斗的人. Go Lakers!

Name: Elizabeth Kalakut

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Class Standing: Fourth-Year

Major: Clinical Dietetics Coordinated Masters Program

Involvements: Senior Resident Assistant, Campus Links Mentor, Clinical Dietetics Student Association (CDSA) Cohort 8 Co-President, 卫生专业学院(CHP)学生赋权和成功委员会, Intern at GVSU Replenish, GV RecWell TA 2023 West Water Study Away项目的活动和前台工作人员, and Frederik Meijer Honors college Honors Mentor.

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? From the first time I visited the campus, 我知道大峡谷是适合我的地方——以至于它是我唯一申请的大学. 在这里的这段时间里,我通过各种各样的活动转变成了一个年轻人, supportive professors, 以及亲身实践的学习经历,让我发现了自己真正的职业激情,实现了我的个人和学术目标. 我也很珍惜我能够利用许多其他的机会,比如去荣誉学院学习, cheering for our Laker athletes, 参加校内和校外活动,比如闹鬼植物园和科学直播, and as a bonus, the beautiful and scenic campus lets me pursue my other passion, running. 我很享受在湖人的时光,作为一名助理让我有机会指导和帮助即将到来的湖人队找到自己的位置,并体验每年秋天作为一名新生的兴奋. 我很荣幸能代表GVSU站在返校节的球场上,我知道我将一生都是湖人队的一员.

Name: Jose Medina

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Class Standing: Fourth-Year

Major: Political Science

Involvements: Latino Student Union- Trustee, Asian Student Union- Member, Vietnamese Student Association-Member, Filipinx American Student Association-member, Monarcas Ballet Folklorico- Member, Laker Familia-member, GV三重奏向上发展怀俄明州数学和科学教师助理/导师

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 作为返校节皇室法庭的一员,意味着我既是西班牙裔社区的代表,也是有色人种的代表. Throughout the small time of being here at Grand Valley, 我能够扩展到不同的社区,对我周围的人产生影响,创造一生的友谊和回忆. I believe with showing how resilient, compassionate, 我可以在不同的社区让其他人感到受欢迎,而他们从来没有经历过平等和多样性. I feel appreciated that I can show what being a LAKER is. As always, ANCHOR UP!

Name: Ashley Perryman

Class Standing: Fourth-Year

Majors: Allied Health Sciences and Public Health

Involvements: Track and Field Team, Sprinter, Sprints Leadership Committee; You Beautiful Black Woman, Chaplain; Campus Ministry, Life Group Leader, Celevitationality Leader; Cook Leadership Academy

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 我相信成为返校节皇室法庭的一员是一件非常荣幸的事. 这是一个机会,代表我参与的组织在整个校园和大峡谷作为一个整体. 成为这个球场的一员是一个机会,去模仿作为一名湖人球员的意义, 对我来说,这意味着要成为大峡谷社区积极向上的一员.

Name: Bridie Tolley

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Class Standing: Third-Year

Major: Advertising and Public Relations

Minor: Digital Studies

Involvements: Campus Activities Board (President), Telephone Outreach Program (Team Leader), Intramural Sports (Volleyball Captain)

What does it mean to be a member on the Homecoming Royalty Court? 参加返校节皇家法庭意味着我可以向校园社区展示作为一名湖人人意味着什么. 能够认识到博天堂官方大学给予我的一切,以及必须提供给其他学生的一切,这是如此令人惊叹,我很自豪能够庆祝这一点. 我很高兴我能成为同龄人的友好面孔,并向我们的GVSU大家庭散发出欢迎的能量. 在这个球场上让我展示了欣赏大峡谷为学生创造的东西是多么重要.

Page last modified October 30, 2023